Exercises in Your First 6 Weeks Postpartum

Must Try

We hear this in our DMs all the time: “Don’t I have to wait 6 weeks after having a baby to exercise?”

Our response is always the same: “There is SO MUCH you can do until then.”

Before you even get back into your normal exercise routine, you must restimulate your pelvic floor.

Mama, this is done by focusing on your breath as soon as your little one is born. No, you might not feel this connection at first but with time your fascia will respond to this gentle breathwork.

*And we mean verrrrrrry gentle.*

>>In these early weeks postpartum you are not exercising… you’re moving with proper connection to improve the way you hold your body.<<

It’s not about getting back pre-pregnancy exercise as soon as possible.

It’s about gradually working your way back into an exercise program that can benefit you well beyond those first 6 weeks postpartum.

Once you learn how to connect your breath to your movement, it becomes easy to be stronger than you were before having kids. And, Beautiful, that is what is going to set you up for lifelong success.

Your pelvic floor connection is what minimizes and prevents pain and dysfunction from happening to the body. Far before you get your six-pack back, you must first learn to connect with your pelvic floor through breath.

>>It’s amazing what our bodies are capable of and we want you to experience this yourself.<

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